Golf Collective The Creator
Patrick Koenig
Patrick Koenig - The Creator
On a quest to play more courses than anyone ever before, Patrick Koenig literally can`t stop playing golf.
Feel like you're not spending enough time on the golf course? Patrick Koenig would probably share your sentiment. In fact, Patrick could say the same about just about anyone, including PGA Tour Pros. He's currently on a mission to become the Guinness World Record holder for playing the most 18-hole courses in one year. The current record stands at a staggering 449, but Patrick, currently cruising across the United States from one golf course to another in an RV, is confident that he can set a new record well over 500 by the time his epic golf trip concludes on January 3rd, 2024, at Chambers Bay near Seattle.

Being a professional golf course photographer also helps him gain access to a multitude of courses along the way. But ultimately, Patrick's golf journey is not solely about numbers or a record; it's a celebration of golf itself and the diverse characters he encounters along this once-in-a-lifetime trip. Regardless of how many golf buddies you have or how many rounds you've played, there's always room and time for one more.